Our Achievements
Friends of Hope-Uganda in 2004, joined Cathy Robinsons’ Friends-Together (www.friendstogeether.org) to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania creating awareness in the neighboring areas.
In 2010, with support from Julie Sprague, Robinson (www.friendstogether.org), Butch of the OASIS (www.aidsoasis.org) the organisation put up 3 administrative classroom blocks to run our business.
Since 2009 we launched guidance and counseling program for adolescents and youth at the Great Aubrey Memorial College. This has helped prevent, protect and keep over 300 OVCs in school.
June 2015
In June 2015 - Friends of hope Director Joined (www.friendstogether.org) to educate children in Gunge and Mabilioni in rural Tanzania.
Friends of Hope registered a savings and credit co-operative organisation called Osukuru Sacco for rural finance.
In 2010, Friends of Hope -Uganda started Ma’s Junior School and child development centre with 57 children, the school population grew now to 512 children.
August 2015
In August, 2015, Friends of Hope organized the first ever-Eastern Uganda schools spelling Bee with over 900 students in attendance.
September 2015
In September 2015-our youth team was pricelessly chosen to perform during Centenary Banks’ customer dinner –Tororo.
We are in partnership with Uganda Martyrs Orphans project (www.umopuganda.org) to equip youths with skills for self empowerment.